All of these things are part of my day today…well the snow is still to be seen, but we are supposed to get some.  Thayer did get some medicine on Saturday and is feeling better but still has the cough.  The narcotic cough syrup they gave him causes him to be loopy but I think it is helping.  About 2 am Sunday morning, he had a coughing spell and took a second dose–7 hours since he had taken some.  Then, around 4 am he said, “WELL!” really loud.  I kept waiting for him to finish but he didn’t.  So, I started asking him what he needed.  It took a few tries, but he finally answered me and said, “I can’t feel my legs.”  I didn’t know if something was really wrong or if he was just off.  The cat was sleeping on his feet so I told him his legs were probably asleep because of the cat.  “We have a cat?” he asked.  Then I realized he was out of it–we’ve had the same cat over 13 years and she always sleeps on his feet.  Right after that, Madi started coughing so I had to get her up for a breathing treatment.  I just love asthma!  When I finally got back in bed, Thayer was snoring, so I never got back to sleep very well before the alarm clock went off at 6:30.  I told him that had he gone to the doctor on Thursday when I asked him to the first time, he would have already been better and wouldn’t have kept me up the last 5 nights.  I threatened that I would take the cough syrup myself so that at least I could get a full night’s sleep.  I guess he really felt bad about it because I fell asleep last night at 9 pm and he let me sleep in today until 8!  He got up with Madi at 7:30 for her treatment.  So, he’s on the way to normalcy, but Madi may take a doctor visit and some steroids to kick hers.  Avery has a terrible cough too.

This morning, I decided to steam clean the carpet.  The water it was sucking up started out black and eventually by the 3rd time I went over it, it was a pale gray.  It made me feel so gross.  Therefore, new rule:  no shoes at all in the house.  They come off at the door when we get home and you don’t put them on until you are at the door to leave!  I also did the furniture and rugs downstairs.  I had intended to do the hall upstairs and maybe the high traffic areas in the bedrooms, but it took so much longer downstairs that I might wait until tomorrow.

Now, I’m about to go to the store.  Its going to be crowded with everyone trying to get their bread and milk.  Good thing those aren’t on my list!  We just needed regular groceries and I am taking a meal tonight to the Melchers who welcomed baby Caleb two weeks ago.  I would like some snow–and we’re already out of school so there wouldn’t be any make-up days!  It will probably only rain!